Many of the couples we have married have had children! That’s what happens when you use the same toothbrush! And, many couples, like ourselves, do not belong to a Church. And yet, many couples want a Minister to offer a simple blessing over their child(ren) as an act of respect for their families background or faith history. Or simply to provide a point of reference for the child as they grow and mature.

As a Minister, I have chosen to work outside the box of Institutional Christianity, for most of my 20+ year career, in the hopes of serving a broader base of people. When it comes to Baby Blessings or Christenings, I keep it very simple. I can come right to your home, perform a simple, fun and friendly, 20 minute service right in your living room or backyard. Or I can meet you at the facility of your choosing (Eg Rented Hall or Chapel)

You can click here for an overview of the Baby Blessing/Christening ceremony.



Thanks for the Baby Blessing. You have christened both our kids and as always, made it enjoyable and comfortable for our family.

Baby Blessings